The difference between policies and preferences

Law firms need policies and procedures in place because they ensure that everybody knows the rules within the firm. The larger the law firm, the more important it is to have set policies and procedures. Law firms that do not have policies and procedures manuals should consider hiring an employment law firm to assist them….

Coronavirus: Adding video conference technology into your law practice

Video technology has long been helpful in almost every sector of business, including the legal industry. From engaging new clients, or communicating with existing clients, video conference technology has been on the rise for some time now. However, with the advent of the Coronavirus, video conference technology is becoming increasingly more important. Some lawyers may…

Establishing an after-hour call rotation

In a previous blog entry, I talked about the importance of having your law firm available 24/7. The reality is that clients and potential clients often have imminent needs after-hours. When these imminent needs arise, these clients and potential clients will want to talk to a live person. The ability to get in touch with…

Surveying your law firm clients

Client satisfaction is critical to the success of any law firm. The vast majority of your clients must walk away feeling as if they have received competent, communicative, and diligent representation. Happy clients will refer their friends and family. Happy clients will pay their bills. Happy clients will give you positive reviews. If they need…

The problem with using personal devices in a law firm

With technology today, there are lots of electronic devices law firm employees can use to communicate and to complete legal work. From desktops, laptops, cell phones, and tablets, all of these devices can be used to perform legal duties or communicate with clients. Some law firms are tempted to let employees use personal devices to…

Trimming the fat from your law firm budget

As the end of the year approaches, you should take the time to reflect on the yearly law firm budget. Reflect on the good that has happened and on the areas where you fell short. After looking at the revenue that was brought into the firm, you must break down where those funds went. Were…

Time management for lawyers

Time management is critical for any law firm owner or manager. The reality is there is always lots to do.  Law firm managers need to keep all kinds of balls in the air at the same time. They need to worry about their legal work and their employee’s performance. Is the work by employees competent,…

What is anchor text in law firm webpage linking?

Many lawyers and law firms have a hard time understanding the concept of linking for search engine optimization purposes.  A link is any time another webpage on the internet point back to your law firm’s webpage domain address. To rank high online, law firms would historically gets lots of links.  Lots of links meant that…

Buying the same brand and models of electronic hardware

The more law firm employees you have, the more law firm equipment you can end up having to buy and maintain.  From computers, printers, copy machines, cell phones, postage machines, modems and routers and other electronic equipment you might have to maintain, it can get more cumbersome than many realize. In a small law office,…

Another office suite law firms should consider

In a previous blog entry, I talked about the potential benefits of using Apache Open Office for their law firm.  With Apache Open Office, law firms can get a complete office suite program that can do anything other office suites can do.  They can also get this office suite without paying a dime. With the cost…

Having a no solicitation policy at your law firm

When you own a law firm, or are in management at a law firm, solicitations can take a lot of your time.  You cannot blame individuals and companies for wanting to solicit and generate business.  Many individuals and companies work off commissions/sales.  This makes soliciting business essential for their livelihood. But much of your time…