What is anchor text in law firm webpage linking?

Many lawyers and law firms have a hard time understanding the concept of linking for search engine optimization purposes.  A link is any time another webpage on the internet point back to your law firm’s webpage domain address. To rank high online, law firms would historically gets lots of links.  Lots of links meant that…

Buying the same brand and models of electronic hardware

The more law firm employees you have, the more law firm equipment you can end up having to buy and maintain.  From computers, printers, copy machines, cell phones, postage machines, modems and routers and other electronic equipment you might have to maintain, it can get more cumbersome than many realize. In a small law office,…

Webpage backlinks are not dead

When law firms would focus on search engine optimization (“seo”) for their law firm webpage, not that long ago, it used to be that backlinks was the focus.  A law firm could pay a company to get them hundreds or thousands of backlinks.  Miraculously, the law firm would rank at the top of the search…

Another office suite law firms should consider

In a previous blog entry, I talked about the potential benefits of using Apache Open Office for their law firm.  With Apache Open Office, law firms can get a complete office suite program that can do anything other office suites can do.  They can also get this office suite without paying a dime. With the cost…