Why are you in the phone book?

9233113_SNot that long ago, advertising in the phone book was the way to go.  Attorneys would take out giant ads in the phone book.  From there, the phone calls and business would just come rolling into the office.

When an attorney has done well in advertising in one area, it’s hard to change.  Attorneys naturally want to keep going back when they find something that works.  The reality is that what works today might not work tomorrow.

This is the case with the phone book.  Maybe in some rare rural areas, there is still some hope with phone book advertising?  But with the advent of technology, including smartphones and laptops, and WiFi, very few clients are looking for an attorney offline these days.

It’s easier for a potential client to do a search on an online search engine or through an online directory.  Potential clients can even read online reviews about law practice.  They can find maps for your office.  They also don’t have to store these giant phone books in their homes or offices.

Instead of the phone book, it’s much better to establish a web presence.  There are multiple ways in which an attorney can have a presence online.  But it starts with the creation of a webpage that provides information to the consumers.  From there, there are multiples ways in which an attorney can engage in marketing practices online that are more effective than the book.

The reality, however, is the phone book is a relic of the past.  The firms that are growing are mostly online.  The firms that are shrinking are still hanging on to the days of the past.

If you have any thoughts, feel free to share them below.